As is the case with most BLOGS, to read everything in chronological order, start at the bottom of the page with the BLOG entry named "The Beginning." The newest entry is always at the top of the page. Click on photos for full size versions!
April 12, 2006 is the day! At about 5 P.M. I received a phone call from the Stewart Transport drivers and they said they were passing through Greenville, Texas and should be at my house within the next two hours. So it was now time to run out to the garage and start getting things ready.
I moved the GoldWing out of the way and position the jack stands which will be the new home of the Roadster for the next 4-6 months. The wooden structure out on the driveway is something called a body buck. I built the body buck to hold and support the fiberglass body of the car. The body will sit on top of the body buck and the chassis of the car will sit on the jack stands below the body buck. When I want to work on the car I will be able to roll the body buck (w/body) out of the garage and into the driveway. At the end of the day the body buck will be rolled back in the garage and be stored over the work in progress.
A short time later Cheryl was outside and yelled into the garage, "I think I hear them coming!" Seconds later they pulled up in front of my house and started unloading. As the body of the car was off loaded, I received my first compliment on my car. Some guy slowed down and stopped and said, "that's a nice Cobra" and then drove off.
My car was the last car to be delivered by Stewart Transport on this trip, so it's sitting all alone on the truck.
First all of the boxes were off loaded. I'm going to have to get creative with finding places to put all of the boxes. My garage is already pretty full!
Last but not least, the body comes off. Pretty neat winch/crane type of set up used by Stewart Transport.
I almost asked if I could sit in the car while he pushed it up the driveway, but Cheryl said it wouldn't be a good idea.. Oh well...
Car safe and sound in MY garage. I'm now the proud owner of Factory Five MKIII Roadster #5392!
The next day my friend Chris came over and helped me take the body off of the chassis. In this photo I have already mocked up the steering rack position.
So that's it for this week. Next week I'll hopefully get some time to start working on the car.